//conducted_by_ flex.professional.research.group
//date_ october 2019
//location_ university of applied sciences, leipzig
//tools_ grasshopper, 3d-printing
>...Swaying_Straws is a concept study on a possible realisation of a structural design of variably curved, single-layer facade and roof structures. It is characterised in particular by the fact, that the structure combines serially manufactured standard components with additive-automated manufactured elements. As a result, despite the curvature of the overall structure, all rods can retain the same length. The amorphous shape of the framework is carried out solely by compact, geometrically individual node connectors.
//final model
>...The nodes compose the constructive creative core of the project. Their geometry is the product of a parametric definition. Based on the mesh structure´s descriptive parameters, the shape of each individual node is automatically constructed through the utilisation of an algorithm. Subsequently, the geometry data is then transferred to additive manufacture machines (3D-Printers), which can manufacture the nodes in their complexity. This results in a production chain of automated manufacturing methods, which is to introduce an exemplary development trajectory in the construction industry.
>...The nodes compose the constructive creative core of the project. Their geometry is the product of a parametric definition. Based on the mesh structure´s descriptive parameters, the shape of each individual node is automatically constructed through the utilisation of an algorithm. Subsequently, the geometry data is then transferred to additive manufacture machines (3D-Printers), which can manufacture the nodes in their complexity. This results in a production chain of automated manufacturing methods, which is to introduce an exemplary development trajectory in the construction industry.
160 x individual node element
320 x serial rod element
160 x individual node element
320 x serial rod element
//me, assembling the model